Hindi Movie Great Dadu produced by Abhishek Chhada, Actor Amitabh Bachchan is casting as hero in this moive, Actress Hema Malini cast as a heroin in Great Dadu , and other casting with Amitabh Bachchan, Hema Malini, Sanjay Dutt actres in Great Dadu . Directed by Abhishek Chhada he was done film work such as Story, Screen play, Dialog and such important work in this Moive, Music Director of Great Dadu is A R Rahman, all the Great Dadu songs are composed by A R Rahman. Amitabh Bachchan is playing the role of Dadu In the age of 69, he is consider as a best hero, best tv presenter that's why Abhishek Chhada approach Amitabh of this role.