Tonight You're Mine Full Movie Watch Online 2012

TONIGHT YOU'RE MINE is a free-wheeling rock 'n' roll love story set against the raucous magnificence and unforgettable sounds at a leading music festival - The 2010 T in the Park festival in Kinross-shire, Scotland. Adam (Treadaway) and Morello (Tena) have a big problem. It's not that Adam is the heartthrob lead singer in a famous electropop band or that his girlfriend is a spoiled supermodel. His problem is Morello's problem. Morello's problem isn't that she's lead singer in a struggling post-punk riot girl band or that she's dating a banker. No, her problem is that she has to perform the biggest gig of her life at a music festival while handcuffed to the kind of person she totally despises - Adam. So begins an out-there odd-ball romantic comedy filled with lust, mud, betrayal, booze, portaloos and a hundred thousand people partying to the greatest music in the world. None of whom seems to have the key - not to the meaning of life - but to the handcuffs.

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